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发布时间:2018-09-29 11:20 | 编辑 :中华养生网 | 来源:

'People are surprised that millennials are forcing the divorce rate to plummet like we can financially afford to build a life up together with someone else,' wrote one person on Twitter. 'LOL sorry you said till death and we have loans and a shared Netflix.'


Cohen told DailyMail.com that another reason for the decline in divorce is that Americans 'don’t feel pressured to marry before they have sex, have children or live together.'


The median age for marriage in 1968 was 23 for men and 21 for women, but by 2017 those numbers shifted to age 30 for men and 27 for women, according to Pew Research Center.


As divorce rates have declined for younger people, they have increased among people in their 60s and 70s. The divorce rate doubled among Americans age 55-64 from 1990-2015, and tripled among those age 65 and older during the same period, according to Bowling Green State University's National Center for Family and Marriage Research.


At the same time, many low-income and under-educated Americans are choosing not to marry at all, instead opting to live together and in many cases raise children together.


In fact, a quarter of parents who live with their children are unmarried, according to Pew Research Center.


The rate of unmarried parents has steadily grown since 1968, when only 7 percent were unmarried. By 1987 that rose to 16 percent, and by 1997 it grew to 23 percent. The 2017 data - 25 percent - is the most recent available.






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